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Monday, August 30, 2021

The Unknown Health Benefits Turmeric

Turmeric contains Curcumin, a substance that has more powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Let us see the unknown health benefits of Turmeric.

Delays Aging

Oxidative damage is believed to be the reason behind aging. Turmeric is an antioxidant, that can neutralize free radicals, and play a role in keeping you young.

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Help Prevent Cancer

Recent studies have shown that Turmeric can cause death of cancerous cells, reduce growth of new blood vessels in tumors and also reduce further spread of cancer.

Treats Alzheimer’s Disease

Curcumin in Turmeric has beneficial effects of anti-inflammation and anti-oxidation. It leads to various improvements in the pathological process of Alzheimer’s disease.

Helps Treat Symptoms Of Arthritis

Many studies have shown that curcumin can help treat symptoms of Arthritis. In some cases, it was found more effective than anti-inflammatory durgs.

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Treats Depression

A small group of 60 people with depression were studied for the effectiveness of curcumin. According to this study, curcumin was found to be as effective as anti-depressant.

Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

Curcumin content of Turmeric have effects in the factors known to cause heart disease. It’s also an anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Turmeric - Natural Home Remedy for Glowing Skin

Due to our modern day mechanical and hectic lifestyle, we are unable to spend more time for skin care. It is our skin, that portrays you to the external world. Though a plenty of skin care products available in all colors and sizes, natural or home remedy is considered the best of all for a glowing natural skin. Let us see how Turmeric do the magic.

Natural Home Remedy - Turmeric

In our Natural Home Remedy Skin Care series, let us see how Turmeric do the magic on your skin, naturally.

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Keeps Your Skin Young

When the skin’s natural oils are depleted, it tends to lose elasticity and shows wrinkles. Turmeric, as a strong Anti-oxidant, controls ageing by protecting skin cells from damage.

Helps Reduce Stretch Marks

Many of the mothers have stretch marks on the abdomen due to pregnancy. Turmeric penetrates and improves the membrane cells function that lighten the appearance of stretch marks.

Treats Skin Severe Conditions

Due to its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, Turmeric helps treat severe skin conditions like psoriasis, rosacea and eczema.

Hydrates & Nourishes Dry Skin

Turmeric deeply hydrates and nourishes your dry skin and speeds of the process of removing dead skin cells.

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Side Effects

It has an odor that you may not like. Turmeric can temporarily stain and leave yellow residue over the skin. People who are allergic to Turmeric may have irritation, redness and swelling.

Friday, August 27, 2021

What Is High-Protein Keto Diet?

Types of Ketogenic Diets

There are many types of Ketogenic Diets, that includes, Standard, Cyclical, Targeted and High-Protein Keto Diets. Let’s see the High-Protein Keto Diet in this article.

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High-Protein Keto Diet

As the name indicates, High-Protein Keto Diet consists of more protein than the other keto diets. It comprises of 30% protein, 60 to 65% fat and 5 to 10% carbohydrates. In this approach, you may result in weight loss.

Who It’s For

High-protein Keto Diet is intended for bodybuilders and people who have muscle breakdown issues, to protect their muscle mass. . It is also being followed by those who have protein deficiency.

Risk Factors

It may not be a right diet for those who have kidney issues and for those who are following therapeutic diets. Please consult your physician for more details.

Note: This video provides basic definition, benefits & risk factors of Ketogenic Diet and does not suggest or recommend to follow the content. Please consult your dietitian or physician for expert opinion for your diet plan.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

What Is Targeted Keto Diet

Types of Keto Diet

There are many types of Ketogenic Diets, that includes, Standard, Cyclical, Targeted and High-protein Keto Diets. Let’s see the Targeted Keto Diet.

Targeted Keto Diet (TKD)

The Target Keto Diet is similar to the Cyclical Keto. However, this Diet Plan is more targeted than the later. It allows you to add extra carbohydrates during intensive physical workouts. You can again come back to the High fat, moderate protein and low carb plan, when you don’t do intensive physical activities.

Who It’s For

Targeted Keto is intended for athletes and bodybuilders. They need to consume more carbs for energy production during their intense physical activities.

Risk Factors

It is necessary to follow Targeted Keto only after your body become adaptive to Keto Diet. To achieve this, it is advised to practice Standard Keto Diet for atleast a month or two before following the Targeted Keto Diet. It is also advised not not follow any Keto Diet before consulting your physician or experts.

Note: This article provides basic definition, benefits & risk factors of Ketogenic Diet and does not suggest or recommend to follow the content. Please consult your dietitian or physician for expert opinion for your diet plan.

What Is Cyclical Keto Diet?

Types of Ketogenic Diet

There are many types of Ketogenic Diets, that includes, Standard, Cyclical, Targeted and High-protein Keto Diets. Let’s see the Cyclic Keto Diet or Keto Cycling.

Cyclical Keto Diet (CKD)

Cyclic Keto is less popular when compared to Standard Keto. It’s a diet plan that allows you to cycle in and out of Keto. You can follow 5 to 6 days on a standard keto diet and 2 days with high carbohydrate food. There is no set protocol of what your carb days should look like.

Who It’s For

Cyclic Keto is intended for those who find it difficult to stick to Keto Diet and wants to take a break. It is also followed by athletes who need extra carbs to fuel their workouts.

Risk Factors

Since Keto Cycling can cause fluctuations in body water, it can lead to dizziness. May not be good for those who have certain cardiac conditions.

Note: This article provides basic definition, benefits & risk factors of Ketogenic Diet and does not suggest or recommend to follow the content. Please consult your dietitian or physician for expert opinion for your diet plan.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

What Is Standard Keto Diet?

Types of Keto Diet

There are many types of Ketogenic Diets. The well-known types includes, Standard, Cyclical, Targeted and High-protein Keto Diets Let’s see the Standard Keto Diet (SKD) here. Standard Keto Diet (SKD)
Standard Keto Diet
Standard Keto diet is the most common version of Keto Diet, and it comprises of very low carbohydrate, moderate protein, and pretty high fat content. In other words, the composition would be about 70% Fat, 20% Proteins, and 10% carbohydrates.
Who It’s For Due to its low carbs composition, SKD enhances weight loss. So, it is ideal for people who want to quicken their weight loss and to gain the related health benefits.
Risk Factors Experts says SKD is not recommended for pregnant women, people who have diabetes and those who have history of kidney stone, They recommend to consult their physician before taking any decision. SKD may also result in bad breath and constipation and low energy levels.

Skin Care Facts - Green Tea Mask

Green Tea Mask is a mixture of green tea leaves, honey and backing soda or cinnamon powder and a little bit of water (if required). The mixture will be in a paste form and applied on our face.

Benefit #1 Anti-Ageing

A study says, Green Tea has abundant antioxidant EGCG, which rejuvenates dying skin cells. Due to this property, it can keep your skin young.

Benefit #2 Moisturizes Skin

Green Tea contains Vitamin E, which has the ability to nourish and hydrate the skin. Applying green tea mask can moisturize your skin.

Benefit #3 Protects From Skin Cancer

According to a study in 2012, Green tea extract is found to help reduce inflammation and the chances of skin cancers.

Benefit #4 Reduces Skin Irritation

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can reduce skin irritation. Green tea can even soothe minor cuts and sun burns.

Benefit #5 Cures Acne

Green Tea contains polyphenols, which fights skin infections. So, Green tea can control the bacterial growth and cure acne.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Skin Care – Interesting Facts About Gua Sha

Gua Sha is a small handy tool, made using a particular type of stone and used to massage various parts of our body, especially face, back, legs, arms, etc. Gua Sha usage has become a mainstream practice in the modern day skin care routine.


#1 Reduces Acne Scars

Proper Gua Sha massage could bring more blood to skin surface, which renews skin cells and, reduces acne scars.

#2 Reduces Dark Circles

Gua Sha promotes a good blood flow when used regularly and results in reducing dark circles and dull complexion.

#3 Better Jaw Line

Consistent scrapping Gua Sha in a proper manner could lead to a good jawline and cheek bones.

#4 Reduces Neck Pain

A proper Gua Sha technique for a week or more may bring effective reduction in neck pain.

#5 Side Effects

Since, Gua Sha involves scraping your skin, some persons may experience skin bursting, minor bleeding and temporary indentation.


Viewers are insisted to take expert advice before using any tools for health improvement before they actually use it.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Interesting Facts About Paleolithic Diet

The Paleolithic Diet or Paleo Diet, consisting of foods to resemble those eaten by humans during Paleolithic era, in other words Stone-age.

#1 Paleolithic Diet

The Paleolithic Diet or Paleo Diet, consisting of foods to resemble those eaten by humans during Paleolithic era, in other words Stone-age.

#2 Ancestor’s Diet

We don’t know exactly what our ancestors ate. But, researchers believe that our ancestors’ food consisted of whole foods.

#3 What to Eat?

Paleo diet recommends to eat Fish, Meat, Eggs, fruits & Vegetables, Seeds & Nuts, Herbs & Spices, healthy Fats & oils.

#4 What Not to Eat?

Paleo Diet does not recommend to eat Processed foods, Sugar, Grains, Most Dairy Products, Legumes, Artificial Sweeteners, Vegetable Oils, Margarine and Trans Fats.

#5 Exceptions

Paleo Diet allows some exceptions to science suggested healthy foods like, grass-fed butter, gluten-free rice, quality red wine & Dark Chocolate.

This article is for educational and information purpose. Readers are advised to consult professionals before following the content of this article.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Amazing Meditation Facts

Meditation is an ancient technique to train our mind to achieve good attention, awareness, and to bring emotionally calm and stable state of mind. It's got an immense number of benefits, both physical and mental health as well.

There are many type of meditations being practiced across the world that include Mindfulness Meditation, Spiritual Meditation, Focused Meditation, Mantra meditation, Progressive Meditation and it continues. Let us see some of the amazing facts about Meditation:

#1 Promotes Inner Harmony

Today’s busy and stressful work schedules, causes more damage to our physical and mental states. Meditation, when practiced seriously, promotes inner harmony, peaceful mind with a sense of calmness.

#2 Promotes Consciousness

In today’s modern world, whether you are an expert in multi-tasking or not, you have to do multi-tasking. It drains your energies and creates stress. In this state, you may commit mistakes or forget small things that cascades to a larger impact. Proper meditation practice makes you more conscious in every single activity you do and reduces the chances of errors and mistakes. This is not a direct formula and may not work always for every single person, but it might improve your conscious decision making skills.

#3 Helps Manage Depression

We cannot avoid anxiety, stress and depression. However, we can control these emotions and manage effectively through proper meditation practice.

#4 Controls Mind

Focused Meditation involves concentration using any of our five senses. When practiced properly, it brings our wandering mind to a control and helps focus on our important issues.

#5 Promotes Relaxation

Regular practitioners of meditation might have good control over their mind and actions. As days goes by, the practitioners might feel relaxed and be more stress free.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Top 5 Benefits of Having A Pet At Home

Owning a pet at home has many physical and psychological benefits. Physical benefits includes lowering blood pressure and cholesterol level besides making us physically fit. Psychologically, pets can bring down our stress, help manage our loneliness and be a good companion to us. Important health benefits of having one or more pet at home are given below:

#1 Great Stress Busters

Pets are a huge stress buster, and every pet owner will agree with this. After a long day at work, just looking at your pet waiting for you at the doorstep is a massive stress buster. The moment your pet comes and cuddles you, all your tensions of the day vanish in a jiffy. Not to mention all the licking which makes you forget all your worries for a moment!

#1 Stress Busters

Pets are a huge stress busters. Looking at your pet waiting for you at the doorstep, will be a great stress buster. The stress of long day’s work vanishes when you play with your pets.

#2 Decreases Blood Pressure

Pets show unconditional love to us.  Many studies have shown that, playing with pet animals can increase our happiness and decrease our anxiety and blood pressure. 

#3 Gain Emotional Balance

People who have owned several pets during their life time deal better with emotional trials and better endure emotional loses in their lives. Because, they would have seen the real love and would have lost the loved once more than once in their life time. This makes a person to gain emotional balance.

#4 Faster Recovery

It has been found that animals motivates us to fight mental illness and even cancer. Cats found to promote faster healing of wounds.

#5 Less Allergic

A recent study shows that, if a dog lived in the home, children had higher levels of immune chemicals and developed stronger immune system.

Top 5 Ketogenic Diet Facts

Ketogenic Diet can be described as a diet that contains high-fat, adequate-protein and low-carbohydrates. There will be many questions like, is it good for diabetics? does keto diet raise cholesterol? etc. This article may not answer all these questions. But, it will throw lights on basic facts of Keto Diet. We request readers to consult your Dietitian or Doctor in case you are planning to switch over to Ketogenic diet.

Fact #1 What is Ketogenic Diet?

Keto Diet is a combination of High Fat, Adequate Protein & Low Carbohydrate foods.

Fact #2 Why The Name Ketogenic?

Reduction in carbohydrate puts our body metabolic state called “Ketosis” and hence the name, Ketogenic Diet.

Fact #3 What Is Ketosis?

In Ketosis state, your body uses fat as fuel, instead of carbohydrates.

Fact #4 What Are The Types Of Keto Diet?

There many types of Keto Diet, that includes Standard Keto Diet, Cyclical Keto Diet, Targeted Keto Diet, High Protein Keto Diets and to mention few more...

Fact #5 What Are The Benefits?

Keto Diet may help you lose weight, improve good cholesterol level & slow down Alzheimer disease progression.

Disclaimer: The content in this video is for creating awareness on Keto Diet. Please consult your Doctor before switching over to Keto Diet.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Top 5 Amazing Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is India’s complement to the entire humanity. Yoga promotes good lifestyle apart from improving your physical and mental health. The benefits of Yoga cannot be limited to just this article. It’s got a vast health benefits and cannot be shrunk in a single blog. You can write tons and tons of articles on Yoga and still you will be left with more to cover. Here are the few amazing benefits of yoga for you. 

#1 Encourages Self Care

Yoga gives you the tools to help you change, and you might start to feel better the first time you try practicing..

#2 Improves Heart Health

Stress & inflammation directly affect your heart health. Yoga reduces stress and inflammation and contributes to healthier heart.

#3 Helps You Focus

It helps improve your coordination, memory and even IQ levels. Regular practice helps to focus and solve problems.

#4 Gives More Energy

Routine Yoga practice can boost your physical & mental energy levels. It also boosts alertness, enthusiasm and positive feeling.

#5 Improves Immune Function

Regular and sincere practice of Asana, Pranayama & Meditation appears to have a beneficial effect of improving immune function.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Top 5 Tips To Get Better Sleep

A good sleep for at least 7 – 8 hours is important to keep our health in good condition. It is as important as we eat, drink and do our regular exercises. It will literally recharge our energies and give us strength to carry our work the next day. A person ignoring enough sleep is more vulnerable to both physical and mental imbalances. In this article, we are going to address only five important tips for a good night sleep:

#1 Get Exposed to Sunlight or Bright light for few hours during the day. 
Since our body has a bio clock, called circadian rhythm, it functions based on the day and night. So, it is important for our body to experience the day time sunlight and night’s darkness. If your day job does not involve exposing to sunlight or due to certain situations, you are not able to walk in the day light, then please expose yourself to a bright light source for few hours. This will help you to get your night sleep well.

#2 Avoid taking Caffeine late in the evening. Caffeine can stimulate your nervous system and provide more energy and enhance your focus. When consuming more quantity of coffee, few hours before bedtime, can keep you awake for few more hours. So, limit or avoid taking it before bedtime, especially when you have sleeping troubles. 


#3 Maintain bedtime and waking time consistently. Again coming back to the circadian rhythm, our body’s bio clock functions by aligning itself with the sunrise and sunset. Irregular bedtime and waking time can alter your circadian rhythm and melatonin levels. This will directly impact your sleeping pattern and quality. So, please maintain consistent bedtime and waking time to your possible extent.

#4 Avoid Alcohol. It disturbs sleep patterns. Consuming alcohol at night or before your sleep can directly impact your sleep. It may cause sleep disorders, snoring, etc. Alcohol affects your melatonin production (melatonin signals your brain to sleep) and disturbs your sleep patterns.

#5 Take dinner few hours before bedtime. This is a good practice as well. Normally, we take dinner and go to bed in an hour. This may also affect our sleep. Taking dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime, appears to be ideal. Also please avoid taking heavy meals at night.

There are many more fact to be addressed for having a good quality sleep. But, we have addressed only five points here, which we feel, would be much helpful to the readers.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Top 5 Benefits of Napping

Many studies have shown that sleep plays an important role in our health. A good sleep for 7-8 hours gives us a number of health benefits. Similarly napping for about 20 to 40 minutes gives us so many health benefits. Let us see the top five benefits of napping:

Naps may stimulate memory consolidation. A good nap after long sessions helps to retain the information in your memory.

Napping improves your mood. If you’re feeling down, try taking a nap for 20-30 mins. It can lift your spirits. Napping can brighten your outlook. Taking a nap when you are stressed can lift your mood.

Good For Your Heart. A recent study has found among people who napped for about an hour had lower blood pressure after going through mental stress. So a nap can help your body recover from pressure-filled situations.

Makes You Creative. Many a times, we would have noticed that we got a creative solution when we wake up. This is because, REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep  activates parts of our brain which is associated with our imagery and dreaming. A nap with REM sleep (after about 70 - 90 mins) can help you combine ideas in new ways to come up with answers.

Boosts Your Immunity. Insomnia and sleep deprivation affects our immunity functions in our body. Because, it increases release of pro-inflammatory markers and causes immunodeficiency. Regular napping may improve your immune system. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Top 5 Doable Flat Abs Tips

Flat abdomen, the dream fitness words, that every one want to achieve. When we try for new outfits, seeing the mirror, we worry about our tummy fat. The bulged portion of the tummy looks odd. But that should not be a worry if it is within limits. However, we have natural ways to get our tummy fat reduced and to the maximum without any side effect and hard gym workouts. Given below are some of the tips, will help you for sure...

# 1 – Eat more fiber

Eating whole foods that contain soluble fiber will make you feel stomach full for a longer period. This fuller feeling can reduce the amount of food that you eat during and between meals. Fiber rich foods takes longer time to digest. At the same time fiber keeps your digestive system functioning. A healthy digestive system will again help you to reduce bloating and keep your stomach look slim.

# 2 – Avoid Refined Carbs

Refined carbohydrates, when consumed, are directly converted to glucose. When consumed more, the glucose formed are transformed to fat, which naturally deposited around our tummy. So, please limit your consumption of refined carbs like White Bread, Pastries, Sodas, Pasta, Sweet, etc.

# 3 – Eat Good Fats

Good Fats are those which contain Monounsaturated Fatty Acid. Peanut Butter, Avocado, Olive Oil, Sesame Oil, Nuts, etc. contains good fats or rather healthy fats. Eating food that contain good fat can help you with weight loss and may reduce the risk of heart diseases. It's better to limit taking quantities that do not go beyond your limits or that can produce more calories. Always keep control over your food intake, whether its a good fat or bad.

# 4 – Walk for 40 Minutes

Walking for 30 to 40 minutes a day, can help you burn more calories. Morning walk reduces stress, & keeps you active throughout the day. Please take a look at my blog on Top 5 Benefits of Morning walk for more details.

# 5 – Stand Up & Work

Avoid long period of sitting. Stand up and do your desk jobs wherever possible. Keep a good posture while standing. Standing increases attention, improves your mood and productivity. Try doing your regular office jobs by standing wherever possible.

Happy Fitness....! :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Top 5 Skin Care Tips

Everyone of us, regardless of gender and age group, dream to have a fresh and young skin.  There are a number of products out there in the market and numerous skin care tips on the internet. But, it is always better to follow the natural way of skin care. However, there are good products out there for sunscreen, moisturizers, etc. In this article, let us focus on the natural way of skin care that almost everyone can follow.


# 1 – Coconut Oil Massage

Coconut oil has antioxidant & healing properties. Apply coconut oil on your face & gently massage. Please avoid coconut oil, if you are allergic to it. Apart from its antioxidant properties, it has hydrating capacity too. When applied on our skin and massaging, it penetrates to the skin and gives the smooth and supple feel to us.

# 2 – Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera has healing properties. It supports the production and release of collagen. Apply Aloe Vera gel on your face, after face wash. Avoid Aloe Vera, if you are allergic to it. When applied on your skin, due to it's anti-inflammatory properties, it can reduce swelling, soreness, woulds, injuries, etc. 

# 3 – Drink Water

Water is our best friend. Drink plenty of water which helps your skin cells function better, and keeps your skin fresh. Water keeps our skin hydrated and helps keep elasticity. It also delays skin wrinkles due to ageing. 

# 4 – Clean your face

Clean your face every night before going to bed. This will remove all the pollution residue, & unwanted accumulations. Avoid hot water to clean your face.

# 5 – Sleep Well

Skin makes new collagen when you sleep. Collagen prevents skin from sagging and reduces wrinkles. So, please pay due attention to sleep. Sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours a day is very important to get a healthy & glowing skin. 

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Top 5 Benefits Of Abdomen Workouts

People are crazy about having a flat abdomen. It is considered as the symbol of fitness. Most of us are jealous when we see someone with a flat abs. Besides working out to maintain a flat tummy, we should know why we need one. Does it really contribute to our health? Let's see below the top 5 reasons:


Benefit # 1 - Reduces Lower Back Pain

Abdominal exercises makes the back muscles more flexible and less rigid, thus reducing lower back pain.

Benefit # 2 - Develops A Slimmer Waistline

As the abdominal muscle mass increases, more fats are burned. This leads to a trimmer, leaner body.

Benefit # 3 - Improves Your Posture and Stability

Abs workouts strengthen the muscles around the spine and improve posture as the body’s weight is correctly distributed.

Benefit # 4 - Improves Your Performance in Sports

Increases your performance in sports, as opposed to players, who have weaker abdominal muscles.

Benefit # 5 - Enhances You To Breathe Better

Strengthening the abdominal muscles will stack your body better and make it easier to breathe. 


Top 5 Benefits of Morning Walk

Morning walk brings more benefits to our health. It helps us maintain our health in a good state and give us lot of energy through the day. Early morning walk gives us more fresh air to breath and get more oxygen to our body. The top five health benefits are given below briefly:


#1 Boosts Immune FunctionWalking for at least 20-30 minutes a day for 5 days a week boosts your immune function. Recent studies have shown that people who walk at least 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week, have 43% fewer sick days.

#2 Improves Heart Health - Your heart beat increases when you walk for 3-4 km consistently. When heart beat goes up, it lowers your blood pressure. It improves your heart health over a period of time.

#3 Helps Your Brain Function Better - Some of us would be thinking about something or trying to solve our problems when you are walking. Many a times, you might have got a good solution too. This is because, walking improves your cognitive abilities and helps your brain function better.

#4 Boosts Your Mood - Morning walk helps reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue. This slowly relieves your mind, reduces your depression symptoms and keep you in good mood.

#5 Helps Meet Your Weight Loss Goals - Morning walk at a moderate pace for 30 minutes can burn about 150 calories. When you have a healthy diet and regular morning walk could help you to meet your weight loss goals.