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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Top 5 Benefits of Napping

Many studies have shown that sleep plays an important role in our health. A good sleep for 7-8 hours gives us a number of health benefits. Similarly napping for about 20 to 40 minutes gives us so many health benefits. Let us see the top five benefits of napping:

Naps may stimulate memory consolidation. A good nap after long sessions helps to retain the information in your memory.

Napping improves your mood. If you’re feeling down, try taking a nap for 20-30 mins. It can lift your spirits. Napping can brighten your outlook. Taking a nap when you are stressed can lift your mood.

Good For Your Heart. A recent study has found among people who napped for about an hour had lower blood pressure after going through mental stress. So a nap can help your body recover from pressure-filled situations.

Makes You Creative. Many a times, we would have noticed that we got a creative solution when we wake up. This is because, REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep  activates parts of our brain which is associated with our imagery and dreaming. A nap with REM sleep (after about 70 - 90 mins) can help you combine ideas in new ways to come up with answers.

Boosts Your Immunity. Insomnia and sleep deprivation affects our immunity functions in our body. Because, it increases release of pro-inflammatory markers and causes immunodeficiency. Regular napping may improve your immune system. 

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