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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Top 5 Tips To Get Better Sleep

A good sleep for at least 7 – 8 hours is important to keep our health in good condition. It is as important as we eat, drink and do our regular exercises. It will literally recharge our energies and give us strength to carry our work the next day. A person ignoring enough sleep is more vulnerable to both physical and mental imbalances. In this article, we are going to address only five important tips for a good night sleep:

#1 Get Exposed to Sunlight or Bright light for few hours during the day. 
Since our body has a bio clock, called circadian rhythm, it functions based on the day and night. So, it is important for our body to experience the day time sunlight and night’s darkness. If your day job does not involve exposing to sunlight or due to certain situations, you are not able to walk in the day light, then please expose yourself to a bright light source for few hours. This will help you to get your night sleep well.

#2 Avoid taking Caffeine late in the evening. Caffeine can stimulate your nervous system and provide more energy and enhance your focus. When consuming more quantity of coffee, few hours before bedtime, can keep you awake for few more hours. So, limit or avoid taking it before bedtime, especially when you have sleeping troubles. 


#3 Maintain bedtime and waking time consistently. Again coming back to the circadian rhythm, our body’s bio clock functions by aligning itself with the sunrise and sunset. Irregular bedtime and waking time can alter your circadian rhythm and melatonin levels. This will directly impact your sleeping pattern and quality. So, please maintain consistent bedtime and waking time to your possible extent.

#4 Avoid Alcohol. It disturbs sleep patterns. Consuming alcohol at night or before your sleep can directly impact your sleep. It may cause sleep disorders, snoring, etc. Alcohol affects your melatonin production (melatonin signals your brain to sleep) and disturbs your sleep patterns.

#5 Take dinner few hours before bedtime. This is a good practice as well. Normally, we take dinner and go to bed in an hour. This may also affect our sleep. Taking dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime, appears to be ideal. Also please avoid taking heavy meals at night.

There are many more fact to be addressed for having a good quality sleep. But, we have addressed only five points here, which we feel, would be much helpful to the readers.

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